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Anti gad65 diabetes :: Pathology of Diabetes - SlideShare

P. Medical College and Associated Group of P. HbA1c was abnormal in all. To correlate various prognostic markers with mortality in diabetic ketoacidosis. The incremental response was the same as the base-line response or greater in 6 of the 11 patients, and the total response was the same as the base-line response or greater in 5 of the 11 patients. Mean uric acid level in normoalbuminuric(19), microalbuminuric(52) and macroalbuminuric(32) cases were 5.40±2.05mg/dl, 4.99±1.79mg/dl and 6.41±1.79mg/dl respectively. Results: The maximum no of subjects were in age group of 35yrs- 49 yrs. Material and Methods: The present study was a hospital based prospective study which was done in S. Objectives: In this study the prognostic value was evaluated within 48 hrs after admission according to fasting blood glucose levels in diabetic and non diabetic patients. Safety and effectiveness parameters were evaluated over 24 weeks. This number accounts for an estimated 5%-10% of the total diabetes population in the U. Os pacientes usualmente apresentam surdez neurossensorial e distrofia macular e menos freqüentemente pode haver miopatia, cardiomiopatia e doença renal (30). Its implication lies in identifying further therapeutic options to reduce morbidity and mortality in diabetics by medical management of uric acid, and in turn, nitric oxide. Eriksson J, Forsén B, Häggblom M, Teppo A-M, Groop L. ROM was more restricted in patients with DM than without DM - ER<30 (53% vs 51%), ER< 30 (53% vs 51%), IR < 20 (88% vs 75%), ABD < 90 (71% vs 57%) and FLX < 100 (61% vs 40%). IHD/angina was present in 70.58%. Também ao contrário do diabetes tipo 1, a maioria dos pacientes apresenta obesidade. Expert. Complications, need for interventions including dialysis, mechanical ventilator support and BT; length of ICU stay, length of hospital stay and mortality. If these patients are intervened early by Intensive weight loss and lifestyle intervention they can substantially improve glucose tolerance and prevent progression from IGT to type 2 diabetes. Vitamin D level also affected by dietary pattern, age of onset of diabetes but not related to duration of diabetes. Smaller the ulcer, better the chances of healing. Adults with LADA may initially be diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes based on their age, particularly if they have risk factors for type 2 diabetes such as a strong family history or obesity.

Demographic, clinical and laboratory data were collected from the study group. LDL cholesterol level (171.11±52.20 vs. Some people with LADA, however, may be overweight to mildly obese.[15] LADA (Type 1 diabetes) is an autoimmune disease that cannot be prevented. Significant weight loss was commmon. Glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies (GADA), islet cell autoantibodies (ICA), insulinoma-associated (IA-2) autoantibodies, and zinc transporter autoantibodies (ZnT8). Idealmente, no futuro estes dispositivos serão acoplados a sensores de glicose de bombas de infusão contínua de insulina (subcutâneas ou intraperitoniais), de tal maneira que modificações de glicose plasmática sejam automaticamente corrigidas através de modificações na infusão de insulina (52). Amostras de sangue são colhidas 10 e 5 minutos antes e 1 e 3 minutos após a infusão para medida da insulina plasmática. Duration>5yrs. Close monitoring is particularly needed if patients have longer duration of diabetes, hypertension, anaemia or high normal albuminuria. Clinical and metabolic characteristics of type 1 and type 2 diabetes: an epidemiological study from the Närpes community in Western Finland. Correlate Vitamin D3levels with FBS, insulin resistance, triglyceride levels and HDL levels. Anti H pylori IgG titres were measured for each of the study subject. Diabetic neuropathy is directly related to duration of diabetes and glycaemic control. D IABETES C ARE, VOLUME 23, NUMBER 2, F EBRUARY 2000 229 Hawa and Associates patients who attended a diabetes center and in a prospective study of a.. Please improve this by adding secondary or tertiary sources. Conclusion: This study confirms the finding that Prediabetics are associated with significantly lower CMAP and reduced NCV as compared to the control Normal subjects. Mean HbA1C among diabetics with H. A study done at our centre showed that rural males at the time of diagnosis had a normal BMI. These include improved insulin exocytosis, direct stimulation of insulin receptor, improved uptake of glucose by peripheral tissues, improving insulin resistance. We therefore decided to compare the anthropometric measurements of newly diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes patients of rural and urban areas. T2DM patients attending OPD and indoor in the Dept of Medicine at ELMCH were included. Research from JAMA Neurology - Cerebellar Ataxia With Anti-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodies - Study of 14 Patients The study was done among patients admitted in P. Diversos estudos analisaram o papel da glicose plasmática de jejum e da glicose plasmática elevada 2h após o TOTG no desenvolvimento de desfechos cardiovasculares (14), mortalidade por doença cardiovascular (5) e mortalidade em geral (13). ESR. Data were recorded and analysed by appropriate statistical methods. Methodology: The present one year cross sectional study was conducted in the Department of Medicine, KLES Dr. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. This antibody can be used without toxic effects such as the high fevers and hypotension that are typically associated with T-cell activation in vivo.10-13 Initial studies in which a humanized anti-CD3 molecule - that is, a monoclonal antibody called hOKT3γ1(Ala-Ala) that contains the binding region of OKT3 but a mutated Fc region that prevents it from binding to the Fc receptor - was used in patients with renal-allograft rejection demonstrated efficacy similar to that of OKT3 with markedly fewer side effects.14,15 On the basis of these observations, we initiated a randomized, controlled, phase 1-2 trial of this agent in patients with new-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus. G. department of Medicine. The female population had more prevalence of hypovitaminosis compared to male. Os métodos imunológicos usam anticorpos direcionados ao N-terminal glicado da hemoglobina e são específicos para a fração HbA1c. O diabetes gestacional é definido como a tolerância diminuída aos carboidratos, de graus variados de intensidade, diagnosticado pela primeira vez durante a gestação, podendo ou não persistir após o parto (1,15).

Anti gad65 diabetes

A percentagem de GHb depende da concentração de glicose no sangue, do tempo de duração da exposição da hemoglobina à glicose e ao tempo de meia vida dos eritrócitos (~120 dias). Unnikrishnan AG, Singh SK, Sanjeevi CB (December 2004). Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies and Male Gender Are Associated with Diabetes Occurrence in Patients with Beta-Thalassemia Major The mechanism of antibody action is under investigation, but we speculate that the monoclonal antibody may alter the immunologic response that causes type 1 diabetes mellitus, may induce a population of cells that can influence the disease process, or both. Indian T2DM patients seek medical help from health care professionals very late, after their symptomatic status. No significant difference in the PAI-1 levels (48.01±6.95 v/s 47.55±9.30 P value is 0.8846, not significant). Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study and studied 117 patients. De particular importância é a falta de especificidade dos RIEs, que permitem reações cruzadas com moléculas de pró-insulina, causando dificuldade na interpretação dos resultados e também a pouca sensibilidade que torna imprecisas as medidas de quantidades pequenas (45). Background: Microalbuminuria is an independent predictor of retinopathy, so absence of microalbuminuria may tend clinician not to screen for DR. Among ischaemic non diabetic cases with stress hyperglycaemia, 40.9% (n=9) patients expired in compare to 14.3% (n=4) ischaemic non diabetic cases without stress hyperglycaemia (p value 0.035). Results: The average BMI of patients from urban areas was 25.76 kg/m2 while that from rural areas was 22.22kg/m2(p value0.002). Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. These parameters were negatively correlated with vitamin D levels in the study group. Islet Cell IgG Cytoplasmic Autoantibodies, IFA; Islet Cell Complement Fixing Autoantibodies, Indirect Fluorescent Antibody (IFA); Islet Cell Autoantibodies Evaluation; Islet Cell Complement Fixing Autoantibodies - Aids in a differential diagnosis between LADA and type 2 diabetes. Data was collected and analyzed. O método recomendado é HPLC de troca iônica. It kills or causes unresponsiveness in T cells that produce interleukin-2 or interferon-γ (type 1 helper T [Th1] cells), whereas T cells that produce interleukin-10 or interleukin-4 (type 2 helper T [Th2] cells) may be stimulated by the monoclonal antibody.26-28 This effect is seen only in activated T cells and not in naive T cells. Muitos métodos estão sendo usados nos laboratórios clínicos (49). What is GAD65 antibody? Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibody is present in type 1 diabetes and stiff man syndrome. Analysis of the lipid profile derangement in subjects participating in the study (i.e total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, very low density lipoprotein and triglycerides) was done. HbA1c < 8 %. DR of any grade was present in 49/226 (22 %) patients. By improving glycaemic control we can reduce complications of diabetes. A hospital based case control study of 100 patients, of which. Décodage biomédical des diabètes. Mise en garde Qu'est ce que le décodage Bio - Médical des maladies? Le Décodage Bio - Médical des maladies est un Art Search for biomarkers for the disease has been relentless. Nrf2-mediated neuroprotection against recurrent hypoglycemia is insufficient to prevent cognitive impairment in a rodent model of type 1 diabetes Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a group of disorders characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia. - 727 - G) Seltene immunologisch bedingte Formen, z. B. Anti-Insulin-Rezeptor-Antikörper H) Genetische Syndrome, die gelegentlich mit Diabetes vergesellschaftet sind P-value > 0.05). Optimal therapeutic intervention with steroids and active physiotherapy in early phase of disease results in better clinical outcome. At 18 months, the mean incremental C-peptide response in these 11 patients was 90±82 percent of the pretreatment level, and the total C-peptide response was 74±39 percent of the base-line level. Classification of newly diagnosed diabetic patients as insulin-requiring or non-insulin-requiring based on clinical and biochemical variables. Objective: Insulin requirement varies between patients with diabetes due to insulin resistance. The prevalence of NAFLD in T2 DM varies from 9-32% in urban India. Portanto, a definição de indivíduos de risco para doença cardiovascular utilizando apenas a medida da glicose plasmática de jejum não identificaria uma considerável proporção de indivíduos com risco elevado para o desenvolvimento de doença cardiovascular. All diabetics should be screened for microvascular complications. The proportion of patients reporting overall hypoglycaemia was 8.3% at baseline and 1.5% at Week 24; however, this change was not statistically significant. Methods: 500 adult diabetic patients presenting to R. Os valores fornecidos por um laboratório podem não corresponder aos valores de outro laboratório, mesmo usando o mesmo método. Family History of Diabetes Involving LADA" (PDF). A carência de padronização limita o uso destes métodos e dificulta a comparação inter-laboratorial de resultados. Diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus". Incidentally we have found higher prevalence of associated autoimmune markers of thyroid (TPO) and celiac disease (TTG). OH cholecalciferol levels were done for each. Outra recomendação da ADA (1) foi a introdução da categoria de glicose plasmática de jejum alterada que inclui indivíduos com glicose plasmática de jejum ³110 e <126mg/dl. Therefore, the selectivity observed among subpopulations of T cells may relate to quantitative or qualitative differences in response to the signal delivered by the monoclonal antibody. A avaliação da glicemia ao longo do dia é uma estratégia importante para se obter o melhor controle metabólico possível. On screening 88 subjects had FBS >110mg/dl and HbA1C >6.5. Study period was from 2010(198 Pts.)- 2011(162 Pts.). (etc) An early intervention to normalise circulating lipids has shown to reduce cardiovascular complications and mortality. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of Rheumatological manifestations in type - 2 DM patients as compared to nondiabetic individuals. O diagnóstico do diabetes baseia-se fundamentalmente nas alterações da glicose plasmática de jejum ou após uma sobrecarga de glicose por via oral. Significant difference in fibrinogen and PAI-1 levels is seen in patients with and without nephropathy 292.39 ± 20.19 v/s 269.80 ± 24.43 P value 0.002; 53.67±7.59 v/s 43.62±7.31 P value <0.001 and in patients with andwithout neuropathy 288.92 ± 26.42 v/s 269.46 ± 24.38 p value 0.009; 52.86±7.87 v/s 42.83±6.85 P value<0.001 . In the control group 5 out of 33(15%) had sensorineural deafness(p value=0.027). It can only be treated with the usual oral treatments for type 2 diabetes for a certain period of time,[2] [3] after which insulin treatment is usually necessary, as well as long-term monitoring for complications. There were no differences between the patients with a response to monoclonal-antibody treatment and those with no response in terms of clinical presentation (including the presence or absence of patients with diabetic ketoacidosis), the titers of biochemically defined autoantibodies, the isotype subclasses of the autoantibodies, or the HLA-DQA1 and DQB1 genotypes. PMID 15699503. Treatment of new-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus with a single course of a monoclonal antibody against CD3 that does not bind to the Fc receptor appears to have arrested the loss of insulin responses during the first year after diagnosis in most, but not all, of the 12 patients we studied. Introduction: H. It is estimated that more than 50% of persons diagnosed as having non-obesity-related type 2 diabetes may actually have LADA. Este aspecto é particularmente importante em pacientes diabéticos, já que a doença cardiovascular é responsável por 58% das mortes (11) e estudos de meta-regressão demonstraram que valores de glicose plasmática em jejum acima de 75mg/dl já constituem um risco progressivo de doença cardiovascular (12). HbA1c was <6.5 % only in 4 patients (2.76 %), 6.5-7 % in only 2 patients (1.38 %). Though pathophysiology of microvascular complications not fully understood, it has been shown that there is significant coagulation abnormalities in diabetic patients with microvascular complications.

Studies have proven that poor glycaemic control(HbA1C>7%) is associated with increased risk for micro vascular complications. 1. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2001;109(7):355-60. Insulin secretion and anti-GAD65 antibodies in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. The mean HbA1c improved from 9.2 ± 1.3% at baseline to 7.6 ± 1.0% at Week 24, while fasting plasma glucose decreased by -40.0 ± 43.3 mg/dL and post-breakfast plasma glucose decreased by 44.5 ± 68.1 mg/ dL over the same period (p<0.001). A medida em uma segunda amostra de urina (dupla micção) não parece ser mais vantajosa do que a medida em uma primeira amostra de urina, independente do horário de coleta (48). Objectives: To study the correlation of vitamin D levels with microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes. SQAT is a stand-alone PC based quality self surveillance tool designed at Steno Diabetes Center. Patients with HbA1c value > 8.0 had significantly higher value ofTC, TG, VLDL-C, LDL-C/ HDL-C ratio and risk ratio (TC/HDL-C) as compared to the patients with HbA1c ≤ 8.0%. Material & Methods: Cross-sectional case-control study of 80 patients (≥18 years) who met the ADA 2012 criteria for Type 2 Diabetes and 18 cases of Prediabetes (IFG and IGT) were recruited. Conclusion: This study proves the presence of a state of endothelial dysfunction in diabetics primarily influenced by nitric oxide, and establishes hyperuricaemia as a possible causative factor for the same. A presença de cetonúria verificada através de fitas reagentes e associada a elevados níveis de glicose plasmática indica um grave distúrbio metabólico e necessidade imediata de intervenção. No prognostic factors were identified. The data reported here were obtained between May 1999 and August 2001. (etc) for me. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes in humans. Study Design: A one year retrospective study involved 100 T1D. A relação entre a glicose plasmática de jejum e o valor de 2h no TOTG e o aparecimento de retinopatia diabética foram analisados em estudos realizados em índios Pima (9), em egípcios (10) e na população americana avaliada pelo III National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1).

Em crianças com menos de 10 anos de idade, a aparição dos anticorpos anti-insulina pode preceder os outros e nestes casos a sua medida deve ser incluída (37). All 12 patients received a 14-day course of the anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody hOKT3γ1(Ala-Ala) administered intravenously (1.42 μg per kilogram of body weight on day 1; 5.67 μg per kilogram on day 2; 11.3 μg per kilogram on day 3; 22.6 μg per kilogram on day 4; and 45.4 μg per kilogram on days 5 through 14); the doses were based on those previously used for treatment of transplant rejection.15 The dosing resulted in median peak and trough serum monoclonal-antibody levels of 133 ng per milliliter (range, 68 to 275) and 51 ng per milliliter (range, 23 to 255), respectively. A avaliação da reserva pancreática de insulina pode ser necessária quando persistirem dúvidas em relação à classificação do paciente como diabetes tipo 1 ou tipo 2 ou em indivíduos com auto-anticorpos presentes. Aims and Objectives: To correlate glycaemic status with common complications in adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased prevalence of microvascular and macro vascular diseases. Outcome indicators - Bl Glucose, HbA1C, BP, BMI. Type 2 diabetic patients with low ABI had significantly longer duration of diabetes (11.26±3.88 vs. In this report, we describe the results among patients who were followed for one year after treatment. Nestes pacientes, a diminuição da secreção de insulina é um forte indicativo para o desenvolvimento de diabetes no próximo ano. It has been postulated that hyperglycaemia may have an effect on hearing and the proposed mechanisms are micro angiopathy, neuropathy or both. A major contributor to this article appears to have a close connection with its subject. Material and Methods: This observational study was done among 103 subjects of type2 DM after taking informed consent. There was more female prevalence in both the group. Aims: To study lipid profile in pre-diabetics. A especificidade deste teste é em torno de 98% (34,37). Insulin and glucagon secretion in patients with slowly progressing autoimune diabetes (LADA). Out of 13 pts, 6 had at least one abnormal autoimmune marker for diabetes. Antibodies specific for glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) account for most, but not all, antibodies detected in the islet cell antibody test (IA-2). As alterações da glicose plasmática de jejum estão mais relacionadas a um aumento da produção hepática de glicose e à diminuição global da secreção de insulina. Results: As it's an on-going study, so far 13 patients have been evaluated. Latent autoimmune diabetes: a little known type of diabetes". Result: Serum fibrinogen [Mean 278±26.9 v/s 232.52±16.5 P value -0.009 significant]. Provavelmente isto se deve ao fato de que glicose plasmática de jejum elevada e alterações da glicose plasmática após o TOTG não são equivalentes e não identificam o mesmo grupo de risco. They are at risk of developing both the microvascular and macrovascular. Patients in group 3 had lower body weight, BMI and highest carbohydrate consumption when compared with the other two groups (P<0.05). Methods: From 1st April 2011, all patients attending our OPD are studied. Introduction: The assessment of atherosclerosis by ABI is a potential predictor and useful surrogate marker for atherosclerotic events. Individual Pts in both the phases were not repeated. Antropometry was done in all patients.

In the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse, a model of Type 1 diabetes, anti-GAD65 and anti-GAD67 antibodies are detected at the early stage Results: This study showed significant relationship between Cortisol levels and cognitive dysfunctions. The mean serum uric acid level in the hypertensive group was 6.60±1.105. Os pacientes tipo 1 apresentam valores médios de peptídeo-C de 0,35ng/ml no basal e de 0,5ng/ml após estímulo e os pacientes tipo 2 têm valor médio de 2,1ng/ml no tempo zero e de 3,3ng/ml após estímulo (43). Background: NAFLD is now becoming a well recognised complication of T2 DM. Os anticorpos anti-GAD são medidos através de RIE e valores acima de 1,0U/ml são considerados como positivos. A extração e leitura levam 20 minutos e podem ser obtidas e visualizadas no mostrador até 3 medidas por hora. Detailed history and examination done. Material and Methods: This hospital based observational study was conducted in 148 patients(46 diabetics, 50 non diabetics with stress hyperglycaemia and 52 non diabetics without stress hyperglycemia) who presented with stroke within 48 hours of onset. Background: There is no study till date on prevalence of autoimmune markers in young adults. No entanto, estudos recentes descrevem uma prevalência duas vezes maior de diabetes do tipo 1 em famílias com tipo 2, sugerindo uma possível interação genética entre os dois tipos de diabetes (28). B. R Ambedkar Medical college excluding smokers,CRF patients, chronic alcoholics, patients on lipid lowering drugs, hypothyroidism and familial dyslipidaemia. Idealmente, o método usado deve ser certificado pelo NGSP e deve operar sob um rigoroso controle de qualidade interno. Material and Methods: 100 subjects of type II diabetes presenting in IPD and OPD of Dr. This study included diabetic patients aged between 35 to 70 yrs. This may be analogous to the differential response to altered-peptide ligands by various subpopulations of T cells.33,34 Thus, the effect of monoclonal-antibody therapy may be to shift the autoimmune response toward production of protective (Th2) cytokines. Study Protocol: A fasting lipid profile was done of all the prediabetic patients and for controls. O pico de incidência do diabetes tipo 1 ocorre dos 10 aos 14 anos de idade, havendo a seguir uma diminuição progressiva da incidência até os 35 anos, de tal maneira que casos de diabetes tipo 1 de início após esta idade são pouco freqüentes. After the completion of the project, the data were analysed. Exclusion criteria were patients with other metabolic syndrome interfering with study, patients with other causes of raised blood sugar and peripheral vascular disease will be excluded by relevant investigation and age below <14 years. Nos casos de diabetes tipo 1 de origem auto-imune, pode haver a associação com outras doenças auto-imunes, como a tireoidite de Hashimoto, a doença de Addison e a miastenia gravis entre outras. Os auto-anticorpos medidos clinicamente são: anticorpos anti-ilhota (Islet Cell Antibody = ICA), anti-insulina (Insulin Auto Antibody = IAA), anti-desidrogenase do ácido glutâmico (Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase = GAD) e anti-insulinoma (IA2). Mean ApoB/Al for mild, moderate, severe, PDR showed highly significant positive correlation with severity of retinopathy(p<0.001). Patients was investigated thoroughly (RBS, ABG, Hb, TLC, PC, S. Mean duration of diabetes was 6.23±4.77 years. Deve ser levado em conta que, embora a ocorrência de cetoacidose seja característica do estado de deficiência insulínica do tipo 1, o paciente tipo 2 pode apresentar este quadro na vigência de intercorrências graves como infecções ou episódios agudos de doença cerebrovascular (27).
As mulheres com diabetes gestacional devem ser reavaliadas com a medida da glicose de jejum ou com o TOTG, 6 semanas após o parto, com a finalidade de reclassificação do seu estado metabólico (1,4,15,32). Frente a estes resultados, a obtenção de valores glicêmicos o mais próximo possível da normalidade, com atenção à prevenção de hipoglicemia, se torna mandatória. Other immunosuppressive agents, including cyclosporine, azathioprine, and prednisone, work by blocking the effector phases of immune responses by interfering with the production of cytokines, the proliferation of T cells, or both. FBS,HbA1C serum 25 OH vit. In previous randomised, controlled studies conducted mostly in surgical intensive care unit (ICU); it was shown that strict control of blood glucose levels with insulin reduced morbidity and mortality. Groop L, Botazzo GF, Doniach D. X-ray of the foot was done to know about bone involvement, NCV and color Doppler were done where needed. Anti-idiotype antibodies were identified by ELISA with the use of plate-bound OKT3 or by flow cytometry to measure the blockade of binding of OKT3 fluorescein isothiocyanate to CD3.19 Glycosylated hemoglobin levels were measured by latex-agglutination inhibition tests (DCA 2000, Bayer) or by affinity chromatography (Isolab) in the three patients treated at the National Institutes of Health. Benefits of! Hyperuricaemia is an independent risk factor for kidney dysfunction in type 2 DM. Results: Overall, 157 patients (mean ± SD age: 55.9 ± 9.0 years and diabetes duration: 7.9 ± 5.2 years) were included. Results: The mean plasma homocysteine was higher in case group as compared to control group. Bottom Line Health. Conclusions: Diabetic amyotrophy has variable presentation. Caso o exame seja normal, mas haja suspeita de diabetes na gestação atual (crescimento fetal exagerado, polidrâmnio), deve-se repetir o teste em um mês ou ao redor da 32ª semana de gestação (32). Cases of DM <40 year age, on drugs affecting serum uric acid concentration or diruretics, having uric acid metabolism defect or hypertension, alcoholic, had heavy exercise within 24 hours of examination, GFR < 60 ml/min were excluded from the study.

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