Thursday 21 July 2016

Antidiabetic herbal formulation companies ky - Glucose Control and Vascular..

Investigating causes, consequences and control of invasive plants. Drug resistance in childhood tuberculosis. PhiI. Ph. D. August, 2000 1st August, 2002 13th August, 2002 Promoted from lecturer to Sr. Hagino K, 2002 " Isotopic Dependence and Channel Coupling Effects in the Fusion of 160+112, 16 Sn and 32 S+112,116,120 Sn at Energies Around the Barrier." Phys. Approximately four hundred anaerobic microorganisms for the production of organic acids have been screened. Department of English and Comparative Studies, Sourashtra University, Rajkot. C. (2003). Ethidium bromide stimulated hyper laccase production from bird's nest fungus Cyathus bulleri. December, 21-23, 2002, University of Allahabad. Plant Cell Biotech. Central Institute of Education, University of Delhi. IEEE Trans MTT. K. and U. S. S. Dalvi) pp. Ms. Surya Prabha Parasher participated in Review Committee meeting for the Course development on 17th and 18th at IGNOU, New Delhi. Jaggi, C. K. In the beginning, the school offered Social Work courses of varying duration. Invited to deliver a lecture at a Meeting on Biotechnology Applications, Chennai, 2003. Faculty members have published number of papers in journals of national and international repute and delivered invited talks at various forums in their respective areas. Netional Semnar on Volunteerism: Demensions, Directions and Opportunities. K, Zacharias J, Shyam R, Dhiman S. Matheus, T. Rahbarnia, A. N, Kansal Y and Rana I. Research work is also being carried out in various aspects of Algebra and its Applications alongwith Algebraic Coding Theory. Professor. Sri D. Folate and cobalamin deficiency in megaloblastic anaemia in children. N. Language Academy, New Delhi; pg.216. Gandhi and Rural Re-construction, Yojna, Planning Commission, New Delhi, Vol. Ghosh International conference on alternatives to the use of animals in research and education held at New Delhi 18th 20th February, 2002. Presented a paper on " Health Insurance in India: How can National Health Accounts Help?" at the Conference on National Health Account, Delhi, November 2002. Abazov V. M, et al, 2002 " Improved W Boson Mass Measurement with the Do Detector." Phys. Professor Suddendu Biswas, Deptt. Fellow United Writers Association, Chennai. Also participated in the workshop/training program organized by the Social Science Research Council, Kathmandu, Nepal, January 2003. D. W. Benecke, R. Singh U R, Bhattacharya T K, Shah S P. Major Activities The Department of Mechanical and Production engineering, which has been with the college from very beginning has seen a considerable growth and as much as its original intake of 30 students at UG level programmes in 1952 has risen to 100 till date. A. Ramaswamy (ed.) The Fieldworker and the Field (2nd edition), Oxford University Press, Delhi: 38-57. Myocardial asteroids mycetoma foot. S. 2003. Rhizobacterial diversity in India and its influence on soil and plant health. Production of feed and fodder from selective seaweeds species of the Indian coast, Dr. Inter-disciplinary Dialogue on New Technologies: Reaching the Unreached "50 years after the discovery of the DNA Double Helix - The Legacy of Watson and Crick" held in M. Enzymes in Organic Transformations. Several trials have shown that intensive glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus reduces the progression of microvascular disease, 1,2 but the Mool Chand Sharms, Prof. Gurcharan Singh Arshi Dr. N. Jha, M. Hanmandlu, " Control and Identification of NunLinear Systems affected by noise using wavelet network", Proceedings of International Workshop on Intelligent Systems Design and Application (ISDA2002), August 2002, Atlanta, USA. Many of the research projects undertaken by individual faculty rnembers and evaluation studies of public programmes have been brought to a close, awaiting publication and dissemination. George K R, Agrawal V, Minocha V R, Aggarwal S. Chopra, Radhika 2003, " Supportive Practices" Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. D. and 13 M. Clobazam in Childhood Epilepsy. Isolation of Fruit Ripening-specific Genes Nearly 30 genes related to fruit ripening have been amplified from ripeningspecific tomato cDNA library or genomic DNA by PCR. Eds. Grover A et al. Articulation of Ethnic Autonomy and Systems of Autonomy in India" in Wang Tiezhi and Sha Boli (eds.) The Regional Autonomy of Ethnic Minorities in International Vision (in Chinese), The Ethnic Publishing House, Beijing. In: 8th International Congress, Pacific Neogene stratigraphy, Thailand. Roy Anupama: 2003, " Making Good Citizens: Teaching Fundamental Duties in Schools", Economic and Political Weekly, 21 June, 2003.

Iranmanesh, C. Chhabra S K. P. Singh was appointed Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin from 1 October2002 to 31 July, 2003. Dr. J. M. Kaul organized a workshop on `Sinus Endoscopy' held by Dr. an herbal formulation marketed for diabetes, Antidiabetic activity of a polyherbal formulation Sciences Ltd. and Associated Companies, Nagpur, India o January 2002. Additions to the Faculty Professor Sanjay Jain Dr. Awarded best paper for the session. Shah A. 2003. Title of paper: " Commemorating and Remembering 1857: The Revolt in Delhi and its Afterlife". Gupta, M. S. P, Madhu S. V, Prasad, A, Sharma S. Prerna Gaur, Rajiv Kumar " Simulation and Analysis of Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor" PIERS-2002, Cambridge University, MA. Roy Vandana contributed in standard treatment guidelines for NCT Delhi, published by DSPRUD, 2002. Implementation of Intellectual Property Rights Regime: The Justification Question", Social Scientist, Vol. Major Activities The Faculty of Department of Physics and Astrophysics is nearly evenly divided amongst theoreticians and experimentalists, each having strength of more than 20 persons. Ind J Med Res. Isolated tuberculosis of talus without ankle and subtalar joint involvement in Medical Journal of Malaysia 2002; 57(3): 371-373. We are putting thrust on Hardware and Software Aspects on the above research areas. Oxidative stress in acute cerebral infarction J. Invited to deliver a lecture at Plenary Session, ISCA Meeting, Bangalore, 2003. Phys. D: Appl. Sunil Agarwal, Kalra O. J Asthma 39: 375-81. Rakesh Mohan, Chief Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance, Govt. New Last-Aid technique: Quaries. J Neurosurg Anaesthesiol 2003; 15: 151-4. Jahangir Aur Akhbar-ul-Akhyar fi Asraral Abrae, Jahangir Shenasi, Department of Persian, A. Kumar A, Evaluation of a new posterior subgluteus approach to sciatic nerve. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur; 15th February, 03. Project Reports/Others: Professor S. May 2002, Kitab Numa (Delhi); Khudparast Adeeb. Invited to Chair Scientific Session on Molecular Biology at the 15th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Atherosclerotic Research held Tirupati from October 10-1 1, 2002, Dr. Expert! S. Nagesh Asst. In May, she participated in a roundtable discussion on `Cloning Cultures' organized by the Humanities Research Institute, University of California, Irvine. Gupta V. K, Tuli Vinita and Goyal Ashok, 2002. Diwan-e-Bayan Key Malum Nuskhey (Known Manuscripts of the Poetic Collections of Bayan), Fikr-o-Tahqeeq, 6:2, NCPUL, New Delhi. S. SakIani, P. K. Evaluation of Tumour blood flow as indicator of the behaviour and response to the treatment in persistant gestational trophoblastic tumor in Obst. L. Krishna (formerly of Delhi School of Economics and currently with ICRIER), Professor Subhash C. Tyagis group to study their effect on the virulence of M. K. Sahai, V. P. Singh, A. Jounal? 2003;65:191-192. Professor B. The rates of hypoglycemia and weight gain were greater in the intensive-therapy group in all three trials. Chakravarti A. In the Book `Reform and Employment', Institute of Applied Manpower Research, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi. Sen Roy), Oxford and IBH Pub, New Delhi, pages 232, 2002. H k k & u i; x& H k & r k 5&i L d ai d f k &e Z2 0 k"kvqzk kx4 Fk qrs zk'r b 02 dgkuh&dkuu & ¼la;qDr ys[ku½ & iqLrd izdkf'kr & twu 2002 l f f; f / k k ad f ) U &¼ a q ry [ u t u2 0 e ai d f k i L d kgRd okvs s lkr l; D sk½ w 02 s zk'r qr f U hO k j k¼ r k X ½&¼ a q ry [ u &n si L d i d f k t u2 0 g n; d. K, Agarwal S, Jacob M, Rani S, Chromoblastomycosis: Report of two cases from Nepal, Journal of Dermatoiogy 2002; 29:315-319. Ed.); " Let's Learn Urdu"; New Delhi. Paul, D. Arca, L. X), Kolkata; Dey's Publication, 2003. Centre for South Indian Studies, Sri Venkateshwara College, New Delhi. Open University (UK). Mandhekar, DN: Jiloha, RC; and Mehndiratta, MM (2002) Challenge with Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs in Risperidone induced Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: A Case-report. Major Activities Department of instrumentation and Control Engg. Commercial Communication and Monetary Integration in Early Modern India" in Markus A. Isolation of male and female gametes and in vitro fertilization using isolated sperms and eggs. Article `Geopolitics of Globalisation: A Re-examination by Comparatives', published in Policy Futures in Education Vol. I am happy to report that as a part of this scheme, earlier this week, a Committee headed by the Vice-Chancellor recommended to the Government of Delhi a grant of Rupees l.03 crores for restoration and renovation of the main building of the CIE. Glander, project coordinator. Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi. Thapan, Meenakshi 2003, July " Marriage, well-being and agency among women", Gender and Development, Vol. Honours/distinction Bina Agarwal Malcolm Adiseshiah award for distinguished contributions to Development Studies, November 2002. Permanent Black, Delhi. In recent trends in Hydrogeochemistry (ed. BSN Reddy, elected as Chairman Scientific committee for the 33rd National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists to be held in New Delhi in 2005. Keller, V. Aroda, C. Ms. Mamta Soni attended 10 days workshop on Skill Update in National Health Programme for Nursing Personnel from 26th May to 5th June, 2002. Ritu Aneja and Ramesh Chandra: European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 28(3), 1-7, (2003). C. Arora and Dr. Niraj Ahuja have received National Health Service (NHS) fellowship for two years. Phy.36,2735. K. and Chabra A, Cladosporium bantianum meningitis in a neonate". Neu/05 Plantar response in infancy. Major Activities The Department is actively engaged in Research work in the Hindi Literature and Hindi Language fields. Pg 596, 2002, U. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2002; 46: 457-462. Land Use Planning in Resettlement and Rehabilitation Areas in Highlands, In Human Dimensions of Sustainable Development", Ed: R. Seminars/Conferences attended Professor Dinesh Singh participated in and gave a talk at the Harmonic Analysis Discussion Meeting held at IMSC, Chennai in December, 2002. Childhood vaccines and clinical profile of vaccine preventable diseases, in. Dr. A. K. Bardhan Fifth Conference of the International Academy of Physical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, 8-9 April 2002. Rajeev Bhargava, February2003, " Community sentiment and the teaching of History". Professor Prahiad C. A 66 Goswami Utpal, Gulrajani C, Verma A, Khastgir U, Thompson JM. Renu Deswal, DST. Honours/Distinctions­Academic Staff G. M. Phil/ Ph. Indian J Dermatology 2002;47: Pages Risperidone induced eruptions. Amitabha Mukherjee, (S. J. Appl. Phys. R. McNamara; MAVERIC Core Laboratory: M. Varma, Participant in International Conference on China and Asian Security organized by Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis, New Delhi, January 2003. R. Sather, director; S. Seminars/Conferences attended Each year the members of the department attend and participate in numerous seminars within the department, in research institutes and organisations in the city, in other states and even abroad. Oxytocin and physiology of parturtion, in, Medical Physiology (Ed; Sarkar). July 2002, 253-58. Singh. J. R. A strain of Bacillus sp. Statistics 37(1): 51-64. Frances W. Pritchett, Professor of Modern India Languages, Department of Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures, Colambia University, New York delivered Ghalib Memorial Lecture on " Ghalib Ka Jahan-e-Mani Aur Sharehin-e-Ghalib" (with collabration of N. J. Assoc Physicians India 2002; 50:1531. Obst and Gynae Today 2003;8: Pages. Transgenic lines have been identified with integrated transgenes for viral resistance assays. Jones, H. Florez, D. Honours/Distinction­Academic Staff Professor K. Medical evidence and court; a plea for change. Major Activities The Faculty of Law, University of Delhi has been established in the 1924 and has achieved the distinction of being the premiere institution in the field of legal education not only in India but also in the entire South East Asia. Delivered an invited talk in the ICM - 2002 International Satellite Conference on Algebra and Related Topics held in Hong Kong during 14-27August, 2002 organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Southeast Asian Mathematical Society. Sixth Endowment Lecture, in the name of Padma Bhushan Dr. XXXVIII, No.4, January 25-32, 2003, pp. No.1 477IDel/99). Current Microbiology, 46: 265-269. Dr. N. K. Dubey and Dr. Anupama Roy Presented paper on " Citizenship in an Age of Globalisation" at the XXVIIIth Annual Sociological Conference held at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur from December, 18, 2002 to December, 20, 2002. Sharma Professor R. The mean age of patients was 60.4 years, and diabetes had been diagnosed a mean of 11.5 years earlier. Bhattacharjea and S. Capital Publishing Co. D. in Law. The Faculty attracts students from all over the world. Applied Economics, University of Minesota St. Kaushik, M. and Kukreti, S, 2003. Materials (ACS). Major Activities The Institute faculty published 8 books and 14 more had been ready for publication. C. This research project is being implemented jointly by researchers at Resources for the Future (RFF), a Washington DC based research institute, University of Michigan and the Centre for Development Economics (CDE). JAPI 2003:51: Jr41/2002. Novel treatments: Accelerated Atherosclerosis in Diabetes. Delivered a lecture in the XXLV Annual Meeting of the PTCA (India), Jaipur, in January 2003. Velarde ER, Estrada CM, lglesias TG.

Antidiabetic herbal formulation companies ky

K, Shefali, Ultrasonographic demonstration of pancreatics ­Pleural fistula, Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, 30, 8, 503-505 October, 2002. Ghosh, P. Ghosh, S. No. 2, 2003 Triangle Publication, Oxford, PP 352-360. Synthesis, characterization, and adsorption studies of nanocrystalline aluminium oxide and bimetallic nanocrystalline aluminium oxide/ magnesium oxide, Chem. K, Gupta, R, Gulati, R, and Singh, M. Amita Baviskar presented a paper titled `The Dream Machine: The Model Development Project and the Remaking of the State' in the seminar series of the Program in Agrarian Studies, at Yale University, in September 2002. Prepared students for the competition of making `Teaching Aids from Waste Material' organized by Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Jamia Millia Islamia. Seminars/Conferences attended Professor V. CIE had gone through an elaborate process of review and reflection in preparation for the l0th Plan visiting team from the UGC. Deshpande Satish, April 2002. Participated in a National Seminar on " Social Work Educatin: realities and Responses" organized by Department of Social Work, Delhi University, JMI, Lucknow University and Asswi at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 2002 Attended a Conference on " Upscaling Child Guidance Services in the Country", NIPCCD, 2002. Tech. Following faculty members attended a short term course on recent advances in power semi-conductor devices and their applications held from 1st to 12th July 2002: Ms. Sc. and Master of Nursing programmes, the College administered and provided services to the general public through its Rural Field Teaching Centre at Chhawla village and Child Guidance Centre at the College. S. Gupta. 2002 Impact of strain relaxation of AlGaN layer on 2 DEG sheet charge density and current voltage characteristics of Lattice mismatched A1m GaN4/GaNm HEMTs. Frontiers in Biomedical Research 2003) at ACBR. Major Activities The Delhi School of Social Work, now known as the Department of Social Work, was the second school of social work to be established in India. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 44: 91-97. Verma J, Singh BP, Sridhara S, Gaur SN, Arora N 2003. Bhikshu Satyapala by the Mahachula longkorn Rajavidyalaya University and Mahapanya Vidyalai, Hat Hai, Bangkok, Thailand. Our programme provides a more meaningful and attractive agenda of study and can encourage research in badly neglected areas of cultural studies, media, oral history, interface of literature and other disciplines like sociology, history philosophy and technology. Project is being operative at Patel Chest) Three years (2002-2005) Differential Gene Expression Professoriling in t(8;21) translocation: potential role in early identification of Acute myeloid leukemia. The weighment and 24-hours oral recall questionnaire method of diet survey: A case study with models of agreement. Natal, M. Rios Jimenez; Tucson, AZ: J. Microbes in extreme environments and their potential uses in industrial efiluent treatment. Childbirth', at the ASA Decennial Conference, 14-18 July 2003 University of Manchester. Criteria and Procedure for the Appointment of Judges. The Need of Universal Peace Resolution and its Relevance", Gandhi Jyoti, Vo1.54 No.1, April 2003 Department of Gandhian Thought, Tilakamanjhi Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur Dr. Honours/Distintions ­ Academic Staff Eminent Engineer Award to Professor B. Toman (eds.) Climate change, economics and policy: An Indian perspective, Washington, DC, Resources for the Future. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Mohan M, Singh A. K. Journal of Anatomical Society of India, 2002; 51 (1): 39-42. G. Balachandran " India and the World Economy" ((Ed.)), Oxford University Press, 2002. Gupta A, 2002 " Neutrino masses from non-minimal Gravitational Interactions of Massive Neutral Fermions." Mod. R. K. Suri organized a workshop on `Basic Hip Arthroplasty' in collaboration with Orthopaedic Training Association, New Delhi and Unviersity of Dundee, at MAMC. The data for this study has been collected through primary surveys of 550 households in 60 villages in Jhabua district in western Madhya Pradesh during August 2001-June 2002. Ishwar Singh, Prasad, A. Member, Programme Planning Advisory Group on Education, India International Centre, New Delhi Member, Standing Committee for Admission and New Societies, World Council of Comparative Education. D. Mirajkar, Presented a paper in the National Seminar on Tirukkural and Indian Literature organised by Mylai Thiruvalluwan Tamil Sangam, at New Delhi, on 28th September, 2002. D.", IIC, New Delhi, (forthcoming). Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2002; 46(5): 68. Disseminated osteoblastic, skeltel metastasis from carcinoma gallbladder, a case report. Gupta S, Limb body wall complex (LBWC) or the body stalk anomaly. D.degrees awarded M. A. K. College of Nursing from 10 th to 14th March, 2003. Havlicek, statistical assistant; J. Prabhu Dermatology and STD Dr. Sonographic spectrum of Hepatic Tumours. Goyal U, Gupta S:, Nutrition during pregnancy. Symposium: The Social Sciences in South Asia, India Habitat Centre. K. Production of d* -diliaryon in Protondeuteron Collisions. Patents: National and international patents have been awarded during 20022003. Organizer of a National Convention on Prem Chand at Ragendra Bhavan, New Delhi on March, 14, 2003. Amer. Math. Soc, 129 (4), 1097-1103. JIAFM 2002;24:86-89. Moritz, study biostatistician; R. K, Agarwal S, Acute reversible cerebellar atoxia in typhoid fever. Vogel, C. DeSouza, R. Reeta K H. Effect of minocycline and tetracyclin on immunological response in experimental animals. Dr. Ashok Kaul, Department of Sociology, Banaras Hindu University and Visiting Fellow of Department of Sociology: Capitalism Confronts Culture. Singh V. Assessment and management of acute asthma. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics Year?; 23:75-78. Tempe D. K. Goel S; Diagnostic dilemma: unexpected pressure waveform during pulmonary artery catheter placement: what is the Dilemma? Rao K. V, 2003 H2S gas sensing mechanism of SnO2 films with ultrathin CuO doptted islands". Shalini Shingh has joined International Fellowship Programme of Ford Foundation to persue masters programme in Art Therapy at Shelton Hill College, Pennisylvania, USA. There were no significant differences in individual components of the primary and secondary outcomes (Appendix 1 and Appendix 2, respectively, in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at Aggarwala A, Khanal B Garg V. It has books covering the latest development in Social Work and allied fields and subscribes to useful national/international journals. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics. Grover, A. and Chandramouli, A. Navneeta Chadha Behera participated in the 17th Asia Pacific Roundtable on " Confidence Bulding and Conflict Reduction", June 2003, Kuala Lumpur. R, Joshi G. C, 2003, Neutrino Lensing and Modification Of Newtonian Gravity at Large Distance Phy. A. K. College of Nursing. Sreedharan, Zoya Hasan, R. Kunal Sen, School of Development Studies, University of East Angila presenteda seminar on " Cast, Ethincity and Poverty in Rural India. Asthma caused by human seminal plasma allergy. Changing trends in cesarean section in Principles and Practices of Obstetrics and Gyneacology for Postgraduates, (A FOGSI publication) New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers P (Ltd), 2003. In Journal of Environmental Management, December, Elsevier Scirnce Ltd.), (Refereed). Basudeb Chaudhuri, University of Caen, spoke on " Social Heterogeneity and Distributive Conflict: How Economists are Modelling Social Behaviour". We, in the CIE community know that we have no time to rest on our oars basking in the glory of our own hoary past, for we have indeed miles to go. Comparative Law in a Global Context: The Legal Systems of Asia and Africa by Werner F. Rajeev Bhargava, 2003, " Liberal, Secular Democracy and explanations of Hindu nationalism" Decentring the Indian Nation (Andrew Wyatt, John Zavos eds.) Frank Cass. Effect of various stabilizing agents on Imperata cylindrica grass pollen allergen extract Exper Aller 33: 65-71. Compatible solutes protect photosynthetic machinery against photoinhibition. C. (March, 2003). Lett. B 555, (Nos. Metal removal capability from the industrial effluent of pre-formed biomass has been demonstrated. Indian Pediatr 2002;39:404-406. Maternal factors increasing the risk for neural tube defects in the population of Delhi. Study reduced the fecal egg count of the helminths and suggests a potential as an anthelmintic agent. These companies had no role in the design of the study, in the accrual or analysis of the data, or in the preparation of the manuscript. Sinha R. K. and Deori K. In Group Behaviour and Development, eds. BIKE LIFE TV. The mean glycated hemoglobin level at baseline was 9.4%. In contrast, this project focuses on the reverse link from environment to poverty, asking to what extent interventions in the natural resource sector may help reduce the incidence of poverty. Ltd, New Delhi: 198-203. Hypertension: What is Hypertension? By Nurse Nancy. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects many D, Borremans. Philosophy in the Contemporary World. Ms. Madhu Soni attended 5 days workshop on " Skill update in Neurological Nursing in Pediatric unit at Safdarjang Hospital; New Delhi. R. 2002. A comparative study of exercise induced bronchial lability in siblings of children with asthma, asthmatic children and control. Santosh Mehta Ms. Hairpin- Duplex equilibrium reflected in A à B transition in an undecamer quasipalindrome present in locus control region (LCR) of Human â -globin gene cluster. Poverty and Inequality in India: Evidence from Regional Data" (with P. Panel discussion, " One billion Indians", India Habitat Centre/Outlook magazine, February, 28, 2003. Psychological care in trauma patients. Major Activities The Department has been playing a prominent role in the country by providing education and research in the field of Library and Information Science. An analytical twodimensional model for pulsed doped InP-based lattice-matched HEMTs for high frequency applications. Ph. D. M. Phil. Kukreti. National Symposium on Biophysics, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (India). Publ, Dordrecht, 179-199. Attended International Seminar on " Qazi Nurullah Shustari" held at St. Since then both branches of geography have developed with their own specializations like Environmental And Ecological Issues, Natural Resource Management, Analytical Physical Geography, Biogeography and Study of Natural Hazards. The major research efforts now underway are focused on diverse areas such as: Organometallic chemistry of silicon alkoxides and platinum-substituted phosphine complexes. Department has undertaken Benchmark IEC study on Tuberculosis under RNTCP programme. Ghosh Nilabja and Rajaraman Indira: 2002, " Revenue Estimates for a Cropspecific Agricultural Tax" In Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. Participated in Meeting " State Level Estimates/Estimation of Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)", held at Nirman Bhavan under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Family Welfare, September 2, 2002. Potential Application of Metabiolic engineering for manipulating compatible solute production to enhance tolerance of crop plants to osmatic stress. Ch 15, pp 121-129, B.1 New Delhi, Churchill Livingstone, 2002. Aruna Bhardwaj: " Child Guidance and Mental Health: Looking Ahead". Principal Investigator: Funded by: J. Findings suggest gastroprotective potential, partly related to anti-secretory action and gastric mucus secretion. This, we hope, will usher in a new era of professional interaction among the CIE community. The Department visualizes the strengthening of the academic profile of post-graduate teaching in History within the parameters of social undertaking of the present. Advances in Statistics, Combinatorics and Related Areas, pp. S. Dubey Ministry of Water reactions Resource in strained quartz bearing aggregates including remedial measures and its impact on stability/durability of the hydraulic structures Magmatism and Hydrothermal G. CRY1 is induced by blue light; it is present in all tissues examined. Rahman M. Rao K V. They delivered seminars and interacted with the IEG Faculty. These have been interpreted in terms of tectonic, metamorphic and metallogenic processes. Sudip Sen Dr. Phytomorphology. Malignant nasal paragangloma: a case report and review of literature. Historical Perspective of Traditional Indigenous Medical Practices: The Current Renaissance and Conservation of Herbal Resources Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs). S. P. Seth Fellow, Institution of Environment Engineers (India), New Delhi. Ms. Jyoti Sarin attended meeting on `Quality Assurance Module - Tryout of Audit Tool at Indian Nursing Council. The progression of albuminuria was defined as an increase of albuminuria for at least two successive yearly visits without reversion to an improved level. Prevalence of Cardio Vascular Risk factors at presentation patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Funded by: Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India This study is being conducted in the Kawas-Hazira industrial region of western Gujarat in partnership with the Indian Institute of Environment Management (IIEM) Mumbai, and the Environment Management Division (EMD) of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). Anita Sharma, Buddhism as a Vehicle of Knowledge between India and China Brij Tankha, Religion and Modernity: Japan and India. The Psycho-lab of CIE was refurbished using the proceeds we received from CARE-India for an evaluation study on teacher development for alternative schooling that Dr. Distinctions ­ Academic Staff Patents: Professor S. Gupta S. contributed to chapters each in a book on " Problems based approach in Obsterics and Gynecology" published by Jaypee brothers, 2002. What we actually got from the UGC, however, was a modest Rupees Seven Lakhs for books and equipment. Shri Deep Chand Bandhu, then Minister (Insustries) Govt. Ms. Molly Babu attended Annual Conference of AOGO (Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology Organisation), Delhi from 3rd November to 1st December, 2002 at Hotel Le Meridian, New Delhi. Ashok Acharya, " Notes on systemic humiliation" at " Humiliation", Ranikhet, September 2002 held by C. Dermatology and STD Bhattacharya S N. Indian J. Physiol Pharmacol 2002, 46: 313-320. C. Nakra, " Use of an updated model for dynamic design". Babita Gupta, A. Represarted India and International Federation of Otolaryngology Society in Egypt. Modulation of stress-induced neurobehavioural changes by nitric oxide in rats. Protein Phasphorylation Role of protein phosphorylation in regulating various biological processes is being investigated from various angles. Singh Rana P. Encyclopedia of Persian Language and Literature, Tehran, Iran. Clinical meeting on Association of Otolaryngologists of India (Delhi State Branch) organized in September 2002. Chandra, National Conference on Emerging Areas in Biomedical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, 28-30th December, 2002. Indian J Criminal Criminalistics 2002; 23: 30-37. Also, Co-chaired a Session. Dr. G. Rajagopal, Participated in the All India University Tamil Teachers Conference, held at Chennai (Madras Christian College, Chennai -59) during 17 and 18th May, 2002. M, 2002 " Formation of Interfacial Phases, in the Epitaxial Growth of Sb on Si (111)-7x7 Reconstructed Surface." Pure Appl. S Gupta. 2002. J. Appl. Phy, 92, No.2172-2180. Further, corruption in the Antyodaya programme appears to be relatively low. New-Invexitry Type Conditions with Applications to Constrained Dynamic Games. Antipyretics in children. Effect of propoxen on humoral and cell-mediated immune respons in rats. Bhattacherjee, 2002 Imaging population distribution between two coupled atomic Bose­Einstein Condensates by using short laser pulses. In the same month, she gave a talk on " The Cultural Politics of Environment and Development" in the Invited lecture Series organized by the United Nations Development Programme. JAPI 2002; 7: 737. D. Mirajkar: Savarkar ki Samagra kavita, Prabhat Prakashan, New Delhi, June, 2002. A comparative study evaluating the efficacy and safety of Aztreonam vs Gentamicin in the treatment of serious/complicated urinary tract infections" as Principal Investigator. L, Nanostructure Devices based on Electron waveguides", IETE Technical Review (India), vol.19, No.5, pp275-292, September - October 2002. India). Professor T. CSP Coordinating Center, Albuquerque, NM: M. S. Acute bacterial prostatitis with giant prostatic abscess. Dr. Gilbert Etienne, Professor Emeritus, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva: " Good Governance - the New Magic Recipe for Development with Reference to Asia and Africa". Harper, D. Davis, J. Current Science 2002. Conservation of plant diversity to study the plant species and their environmental interaction at morphological, biochemical and molecular levels. Dr. S. B. Babbar: Biographical profile included in 7th edition of Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering. Major Activities The Department of Operational Research is a key educational and research unit of the University of Delhi. Tribal Politics and Discourses of Environmentalism" in Paul Greeough and Anna Tsing (eds.) Nature in the Global South: Environmental Projects in South and Southeast Asia. L. Taylor; Lyons/East Orange, NJ: M. Higher Education could well be one additional thrust area that we may like to invest our time in. Indian J. Paediatrics. Sinha, R, Khanna, M, Jain, V. O' Bryan L, Pinkston P, Kumaraswamy V, Vijayan VK, Yenokida G, Roseberg H, Crystal R, Ottesen EA Numan TB 2003. P. Srivastava Rise Biostratigraphy of the P. We view this as merely a precursor of a major course transformation exercise in B. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letter 10: 4103-11. Kumar A, Ultrasonographic demonstration of - pleural fistula. Ghalib Ka Agra: Nazir Aur Lutfullah Ki Nazar Main: Ghalib Aur Agra (ed. Phys, 35, 1291-5. Peripheral neuropathies were defined as radiculoneuropathy, polyneuropathy, diabetic amyotrophy, or neuropathic ulcer. Search of rice genome database by using various bioinformatics tools and catalogue all the genes encoding calcium binding proteins. Foreign scholars who have been enrolled this year, have mostly offered subjects with a comparative approach. Student Sports and Extra Curricular Activities Delhi College of Engineering won football trophy beating I. Seminars/Conferences attended Molecular Wavepacket Surfing Time Dependent Potential Energy Surfaces: Effect of Laser Frequency, Chirps, 3-8 Aug, 2003, MA, U. Rt. Sided supracavicular chyloma ­ Radiographic findings and role of imaging in diagnosis. Hasan Nizami Memorial Society, Delhi; 19th February, 2003. Dc-repression and subsequent induction of protease synthesis by Bacillus rno/tIvcflSiS under fed-batch operations. Bhalla G. L, Sharma Seema, Malik Amita and Trigunayat, 2003 " On the stability of Yba2Cu3O7-d." Physics C, 384, 482. The Seminar was well attended. Editor V Kalra) Delhi: Arya Publications 2002. Attended National Seminar on What Works in HIV/AIDS Care and Support. Acute reversible cerebellar atoxia in typhoid fever. Preliminary results indicate that the scheme is doing quite well, in contrast with most other food-based welfare programmes. In addition, it appears that intensive glucose control had minimal effects on hard microvascular complications (severe renal changes, decreased GFR, laser treatment, cataract extraction, vitrectomy, and new neuropathy) during a period of 5 to 6 years. Major Activities The department of Otorhinolaryngology has started the Cochlear Implantation programme for children with congenital deafness. Ortho Sci. (accepted) May 2003 issue. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. Boulder Damage Symposium XXXIV (BDO2), 02 Boulder, Colorado, 6-8. Dr. Shanta N. Two books (System Design and Engg.) in Press published by Galgotia Publicataion, New Delhi. D. K. Bhattacharya and Deepra Bhattacharya 2002. NCT of DelhI. It was found to help sustain the germination/ seedling growth during cold, salt and water stress. J Act" at Gandi Peace Foundation, New Delhi, 2003. College, Dharamshala (H. Sudhir Kumar Sharma V. Library development Library has added 2655 (Main Library=1297,Book Bank=369 and SCP 989) Books in the Library during 2002-03 and also aquired new Magzines and Journals. Special Issue entitled Beyond appearances? Deacylayion of cephalosporins by catalysis and microwave assisted transformation on a solid support. Sustainable Management of Water Resources in an Agriculturally Developed Region of the Indo-Gangetic Ecosystem, India", Pub. Ms. Kalpana Mandal attended " International Conference on Geriatrics and Gerontology" organised by Geriatric Society of India, New Delhi from 8th to 12th November, 2002. Heavy metal tolerance of ectomycorrhizal fungi and utility of metal tolerant EM fungal strains in reclaiming wastelands created by mining operations. C. and Vashishth, R. Sequencing of reforms: The reforms started with liberalisation of restrictions on domestic investment and on merchandise trade. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2002;46:252-254. Anant Pandey and P. Abhijit Dasgupta attended `The Eighth Conference of International Association for the Study of Forced Migration held at Chiang Mai, Thailand, 5-9 Januay, 2003 and presented a paper on " Long-term Camp Life and Changing Identities: Sri Lankan Refugees in Tamil Nadu". Indian J Allergy Asthma Immunol 16:103-06. S. `Road traffic accidents and alechel: a prospective study', Internatinal Journal of Medicine Toxicology and Legal Medicine. R. P. Tyagi Participated as a Resource Person in the First District Level Workshop organized at Alwar (Rajasthan) on June 26, 2002 by the Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IAPPD) for members of the Zila Parishad on " Involvement of Elected Representatives for Advocacy on Population, Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS, Reproductive Rights and Empowerment of Women" and gave a presentation on Population and Development in the Regional Perspective. Curvalaria lunata. Sahare P. D, Pandey Anant, Sharma V. Rawat Pub, Jaipur, pages 279, 2002. M. Khandpal, IVth Annual Symposium of CRSI, Chennai, India, February 2003, p. Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of multiple pterygium syndromes. D. students and faculty members from various institutions all over India attended the workshop. Uhr, Bringle. Initially the Department was housed in two small rooms of the University Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC) building and later shifted to the PL-480 Block of the Chemistry Department in October, 1996. SIHAM Mycoses Newslette 1: 4. K. Gupta, Amit Pratap Singh, A. India) Title: Enhancement in abiotic stress tolerance of Brassica juncea through genetic manipulation Principal Investigator: Professor P. Glycolysis quiz question Delivered a lecture on " Economic Environment: Are We Ready for Faster Growth" at Management Development Institute, Gurgaon on September 17, 2002. Wader Study Group Bulletin. Presented a paper on " The IT Software Industries in Indian and Asian Development" at the international conference, organised by the OECD Development Centre in Chennai, November 11-12, 2002. European Journal of Physics D, 21, 293. Abstr. 10th World Congress on Pain, San Diego. Major Activities During the year, the department completed two important research projects, one of which was a multi-centric international project. February, 27, 2002: Talks by reputed mathematicians Professors R. Georgopoulos, C. Acute bacterial prostatitis with giant prostatic abscess. Indian Pediatr 2003;40:438. Fur. Biophys. K. Lipoprotein, (a) in chronic renal failure: Effect of maintenance hemodialysis. Rajeshwari Pandey Shri Rajeev Kumar Civil Shri Alok Verma Shri Narad Muni Prasad Shri Sushil Kumar Shri B. Published in The Book Review 27, 4 [2003]. Babbar, S. B, 2003. Mohan M. and A. Major Activities The Department, apart from conducting offers counselling and guidance services. Australasian Radiology 2003;47: Pages? Inst. Med. trop. Read Abstracts text version. TRADITIONAL MEDICINE TEACHING Ashuori A. A. No. 4, Asa, Near the Alborz Taxi service, Ayatollah Kashani Street, Ghazvin Traditional SK Sharma, A Rohatgi et al Ceulumotor palsy associated with Hepatitis E Infection. In addition to conduct of B. Scientific Advisory Committee meeting, Mumbai, 4 October 2003. R, Malhotra A. Major Activities The Department has added two new services during this year. Transient Analysis of Professor Kanwar Sen (P. The Department organized the following international conferences and workshop: " Second Workshop for College Teachers on Teaching Chinese and Japanese History". PV in Europe-From PV Technology to Energy Soldtions, Rome, Italy in October 2002. Singh U R. Papillary criteria acinic cell carcinoma of parotid gland diagnosed on FNAC. Pulmor 4: 25-28. Aesthetical and critical analyses are the other major topics selected by the candidates. Mukherjee S; (2002) Magnasium Sulphate Prophylaxis in P. This method deduces the (shadow) price of a pollutant from plant-level data on underlying technical relationship between inputs and multiple outputs-including the `output' of one or more pollutants. Biophys 39, 205-2l 6. Snell and " Textbook of Anatomy" by gosling. Paper presented in the seminar organized by Institute for Applied Manpower Research. We wish Professor Siddiqi, Shri Wadhwa and Shri Banarasi good heath, long life, peace and happiness. We lost two distinguished former Deans of CIE this year. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. This project is funded by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. Pradip Kumar Datta, February 2003, " Hindutva and its Myhstory", Seminar 522: 42-47. Report No. 86, June 2002. Xaxa, Virginius 2003, " Tribes in India" in Veena Das (ed.), The Oxford Indian Companion to Sociology and Social Anthropology, Oxford University Press, New Delhi. Gupta, S. C.) Dr. Participated in the Second Conference of the Science Council of Asia at Kuala Lumpur from May 12-15 2002, on " Urgent Agenda for Asian Sustainability: Operationalising the Vision". JASHN-E-SAD SALA (4 days International Seminar); Anjuman Tarraqqi-Urdu (Hindi), New Delhi; 1st to 4 March 2003; Urdu Nai Sadi Mein. Ms. Sunita Patney attended two days workshop on Yoga and Naturopathy at Jaipur organised by Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi. N. Srinivasan), published by the Institute for International Economics, Washington, D. Florow, F. Remandaban, E. No. 7 (July 2002), pp. Varma, " Dynamics of Cooperative Security in the Asia-Pacific: Post 9/11 challenges and Prospects", Centre for Policy Research, IndoCanadian Conference and Dialogue, New Delhi, February, 2003. Seminars/Conferences attended Professor J. J Assoc Physicians India 2003;50:1573. It needs financial help from the country. Pulin B. Nayak " The State and the Market: Festschrift in Honour of Mrinal Dutta Chaudhari", (editor, along with K. V. K. Anand served as the observer for the same. Varma M, Kumar S, Kumar A, Bose. L. Bhatia, 2002 " Nature of Sikh Polity under Maharaja Ranjit Singh" (ed.) M. In addition the Centre undertakes research and development projects from industries like the Poloroid Corporation USA and HIKMA investments, Jordan. Nucl. Acids Res. Modern Hindi Poetry including. In Bioinoeulants for sustainable agriculture and forestry (eds. XIII-XIV, Jan-Dec 2002(Article). MAXIM - 2003 (27.2.2003). No.5, 2002. " Model for determining optimum Bus-Stop Spacing In Urban Areas", Journal of Transportation Engg, A. IInd Edition (2002) " A Text Book of Human Physiology" Vol. Malti Mehra. J Nephrol 2002;12:163. Besides, metal tolerance is also being studied in some plants. Wendell, J. Haroldson, P. Seminars/Conferences held Dr. New courses/subjects introduced Undergraduate programme in Information Technology (B. Contrasting Discourses, Conflicting Roles and Policy Implementation". Major Activities A brief account of major research fields in which work is being undertaken in sub-specialities of Pathology. Instt.) (2002)052 Electromagnetic Strings: Complementarity between Time and Temperature. D. thesis are being conducted in the above fields. Bhattacharya B. Mukerji, K. G, 2002. I Pharm. 236: 97-109. Journal of Personality and clinical studies, 18, 57-65. Bhattacharya S. There were four Ph. JILI 2003. " From Saptapadi to Funeral Pyre: Menace of Dowry", published in " Law and Development An Anthology of Topical Legal Studies" "lectures in honour of Professor Shroff." Ed Raina and Razdan, Regency Publications, New Delhi 2003. INTP09 pp 115. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol; 46:338-42.

Publications Agarwal S, Wadhwa N, Gupta G (2003) - Eosinophils as a marker for invasion in cervical squamous neoplastic lesions. Med Update 7: 74-78. Large number of students have been awarded Ph. A. S. Yaruingam, Dr. Tempe D. K. Virmani S, Tomar A. Unusual presentation of thyroid storm­A case report. Bhullar, S, Chakravarthy, S, Advani, S, Datta, S, Pental, D, Burma, P. Chhabra S K, Pandey KK. Pediatr Surg Int ODI 10.1007/s00383-0020943-8. Ubersetzungen der Kulturen? I.: Professor M. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol.36, pp.1773. H. Panda Delivered a seminar on " Liberalization and Growth of Employment in the Organized Manufacturing Industries in India" at Birla Institute of Technology, Pilani. Students have done projects on Ad Hoc Networking Protocol which have been reported in IEEE Conference in the year 2002. Second SAARC Group meeting on Reduction of Childhood neuromobility, New Deihi, 7-11 August 2002. Ed. programme. J. S. Bapna Prescribing Behaviour of Physicians, J. Luthra Current Science, 83(6), 737-740, (2002). Dharampal, Professor Harjinder Singh and Professor K. Randhawa H S, Chowdhary A. New Courses/subjects introduces Interior Decoration and Designing. Number of students who cleard NET during the year - 02. There are some major items of civil work that assume priority which are still left unaddressed. Additionally, these systems are also being utilized for understanding and isolating genes associated with somatic embryogenesis in wheat. Coastal Burma and the Trading World of the Bay of Bengal, 1500-1680" in Jos Gommans and Jacques Leider ((Ed.)), The Maritime Frontier of Burma, Exploring Political, Cultural and Commercial Interaction in the Indian Ocean World, I200-1800, Leiden, 2002. Eminent Urdu Scholar Professor Gopi Chand Narang, Chairman, Sahitya Academi, delivered a lecture. Rajaraman Indira and Datta Arindam: 2003 " Univariate Forecasting of Statelevel Agricultural Production". More than 20 students have been offered admissions in USA and UK Universities. Navroz K. Dubash, Dr. A. S. Chary and S. Nanda S, Grover C, Reddy BSN: PUVA­induced lichen planus, J Dermatol, 2003; 30: 151-153. Saleem Anwar, 2003. Biochem. 17:52-59. Psychogemic cough; a profile of 32 cases. National Seminar on Post-Colonial Translations. Our efforts, thus, did not elicit the desired response from the UGC Visiting Team; but, the very process of developing the proposal was a useful learning experience for us. Indian J Med Sci 2002:56:553-559. Nearing Completion) F7(88)/2002/CC/369 dated 08.05.02. Parthasarthy P. M. Deb studied the evolution of trapped deep crustal fluids in quartz veins along the Jahazpur thrust and mineralized Sawar Ore zone. D. degrees awarded. Clark, A. Grimsdale, S. Several genes of M. None of these studies showed a decrease in cardiovascular events. US Patient No. New Delhi. pp 128-142. Ramesh Chand: Consultant for Food and Agriculture Organization, Regional Asia Pacific Office Bangkok to write a paper on Market Access: Negotiating Modalities and Likely Consequences for Asian Countries. N. (ed.) Tribal Welfare and Development, pp 219-236 Sarup and Sons, New Delhi. Adarsh Singh, Anil Kumar. M. Phil / Ph. Nominated convenor of visiting/Inspection Committee constituted by UGC to visit an University in South India. This forms an important part of the course.

Journal of High Energy Physics 11. Surface Damage in semiconductors through ultrashort pulses", Photonics North. Indian J Nutr Dietet 39: 160-72. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2003. Awards/Honours ­ Academic Staff Dr. Bioremediation of pollutants. New Delhi: Jaypee Publications 2002:145-153. A. R.l, New Delhi, January 812, 2003. The University Grants Commission has recognized it as a Department of Special Assistance. Some of the clones have been shown to be infectious on tobacco, a model plant, which can be used for studies on plant-virus interactions. Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India and delivered a talk ­ `The Indian experience with Yersinia enterocolitica at OAU, Hisar Dr. Y. P. Abrol et al, Allied Pub, New Delhi, pp.475-98, 2002. Much of the literature on poverty-environment interactions has focused on the link from poverty to the environment, investigating for example whether poor households tend to place greater pressure on natural resources, leading to their degradation. Other issues included the use of the Minimum Support Prices as an instrument for ensuring price stability, the feasibility of alternative farm support mechanisms, the role of the Food Corporation of India, and international trade in the new context. Gain flattenig of long period gratings fabricated in Erbium doped fibres in abstracts XXVIII National Conference of the Optical Society of India on " Optics and Photonics in Engineering", (New Delhi) 21-22. Inderjit Lakehead University, Canada. Economic and Political Weekly. Microbiol 2002; 20 (1): 42-44. Purification and characteri-zation of a cross-reactive 45kD major allergen of Fusarium solani: Int Arch Allergy Immmunol 130: 193-99. Infant Industry Protection, Revisited: Entry-Deterrence and Entry Promotion when a Foreign Monopolist has Unknown Costs", International Economic Journal, Vol. Significance and status of microbial diversity. Grisham), pp. Matrimonial Laws and Gener Justice" Journal of the Indian Law Institute. J, Datar V. M, Sugathan P, Madhavan N, Madhusudan Rao P. Pancholi S. C, Rossbach. Gaur SN, Arora N. Journal of Pediatrics Gastroentrology and Nutrition 2002:34:296-301. J Paediatr Child Health 38, 459-464. Indian J. Pathol Microbiol 2002; 45 (3): 255-259. P, Rani Usha (2002): Cheruluson in Indian J. Concept Publishing Co, New Delhi. Shrikant Kukreti, National Symposium on Biophysics, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (India), 21-23 February 2003. K. Dr. Varinder Singh, Associate Professor of Paediatrics was awarded the Keya Lahiri gold medal for best paper at the national conference of Indian Association of Paediatrics, Respiratory Chapter held in New Delhi. Rajeev Bhargava, 2003 " Artist and the Modern Public Sphere". Comparison of Serum Lipoprotein (a) Levels in Type Diabetes with and without premature Coronary Heart Disease. Cre-lox Site-Specific Recombination System: An Efficient Mechanism Rendering Marker Free Transgenics. Indian J Tuberc 2002:49:107-108. Industrial Electronics. Tropical Doctor 2002; 32: 4-7. Anupam Chattopadhyay, Dr. While there was wide appreciation of the work of the committee, participants debated a wide range of recommendations of the Report, especially the reform of the Public Distribution System (PDS), in terms of its implications for targeting, and the financial viability of fair price shops. R, Joshi G. C, Gaur Naveen, Cornell A. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 130: 193-99. K. Srinivas (Pondicherry University), title of the paper ­ `Scientific Knowledge and Spiritual Values: The Hindu Experience'. S, et al: Atrial ECG as a guide to the placement of central venous catheter in patients undergoing open heart surgery. Kirkman, M. Mendez, Z. He presented a paper " Between Two Worlds: The Popular Culture of Bajnias" in a workshop organised by Ph. Radial Oscillations of Hybrid Stars. The department has a number of laboratories, like those of serology, biochemical and molecular genetics, cytogenetics dermatoglyphics, physiology, growth and development. S. Are we looking for only fungus in clinical keratomycosis DOS Times 2002; 8 (2): 15-16. Publications Kumar Atin, Upreti L, Bhargava S. Medications and financial support were provided by Sanofi-Aventis, GlaxoSmithKline, Novo Nordisk, Roche, Kos Pharmaceuticals, and Amylin. K. Kalla P. C. Shakuntala Kanade Memorial lectures on `Comparative Literature'(three lectures) at the Post Graduate Centre, S. This is one of the highest yields reported. H. P. Gangnegi Dr. Physics Scripts (Sweden) 67.181. All the isolates have been ribotyped. K, Jam, S. C, Olsen, C. Gupta and M. In: Manual of Medical Emergencies. L. Sachdev, Fun with Non-Linear Ordinary Bangalore Differential Equations 18.07.02 Professor P. Construction of a DNA array based on 96 well microtitre plate format for expression profiling of calcium binding protein genes. Morphogenic and Biochemical evaluation of some medicinal Kant done. Deepa Sharma ( Lecturer) Shri V. Singh Ranju, Bhattacharya Abhijeet. Methods for studying microbial diversity including molecular techniques. Conducted twenty one days Refresher Seminar for In-service PGT (Physics) of Govt. All reported P values are two-sided and have not been adjusted for multiple comparisons. Non-photosynthetic events regulate light promoted stress induced proline accumulation in Vigna radiata. S. Krishna Prakash took over as President of Academy of Clinical Microbiologists for a three year period w.e.f. Ashutosh Kedar and K. Number of Students who cleared the NET during the year - 03. XXVIIth All India Sociological Conference, Indian Sociological Society, IIT Kanpur. Paediatrics Today 2002; 5(7):412-413. Suveera Dhup Mr. Joshi, N. and Tripathi, V. Brinda Vishwanathan of the MIDS, the study examines changes in nutrient intake between 1983 and 1999/2000. Participated in the XVI National Symposium of the Indian Photobiology Society at UDSC. Batra S. Contributed a capter in a book " Adolecent. Agarwal, M, Sahi, C, Katiyar-Agarwal, S, Agarwal, S, Young, T, Gal. Ahlawat SK, Singh MMC, Kumar R, Kumari S, Sharma BK. K. (2002) Progressive Dhodias of south Gujarat. Vittorini's Symbolic realism in I' Ie Sempione Strizz elocchico al Frejus, and An example of literary analysis on Vittorini's novel Conversazione in Sicilia. Austr J Dermatol 2003;45:152-155. Delivered key note address at XXXIII Industry Seminar on Banking, Financial Services and Insurance in Deptt. Rue; Biochemistry: E. Compatible sugars and sugar-alcohols curtail oxygenase activity of rubisco as a strategy for stress adaptation. Arora V K. Cytological criteria in distingushing small cell from non small cell carcinoma of lung. P, Singh F. and Kanjilal D. No. 2, pp.299-311. Quick Medical Examination Review (4 Vol). Mathur, N. B. Ramalingaswami Memorial Symposium, Delhi, 12 February 2003. Total antioxidant activity was higher in an acetone extract compared to alcohol extract. Health and Honour in the Himalaya Health Seeking Behaviour of Rural Dalit Women in Uttranchal. Disability, Discrimination and Equality of opportunities: A Comparative Analysis of the Legal Framework 45, Journal of the Indian Law Institute 173-199 (2003). Asian J Surg 25:325-9. Baljit Singh, Solanki S. Seminars/Conferences held Course Coordinator Ms. In Indian Jl. Viresha Badigera arid H. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 89: 285-91. Call for change: knowledge, attitude and practices of medical students and prescribers towards adverse drug reaction monitoring". Interventions such as lifestyle changes, control of blood pressure and lipids, and antiplatelet therapy can reduce the development, progression, and complications associated with type 2 diabetes.21 Glucose control may reduce microvascular complications, but not cardiovascular complications. A text book " Anatomy and Physiology for nurses" (Ist Ed, Arya Publications). No.9, March, l, 2003. Indian J Nephrol 2002; 12:88-89. Epidemic hysteria in Delhi: Pattern of injuries. Primary Osteoarthritis of Hip Joint in Indians­A Cadaveric Study. CAD/CAM software, Pro-engineering have already been installed in the department. A. Courses at the South Campus. Mita Choudhury, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai delivered a lecture on " Role of Development Financial Institutions in Externally Dependent Firms in India". P. Khurana Delivered a lecture in a symposium on " Genomics" organized by NRCPB, JNU campus, in April 2002. Brewer; Stanley D. D. B. Sahoo, DBT. Honours/Distinctions­Academic Staff Professor Dinesh Singh has been appointed Adjunct Professor at Houston University, Texas, USA. S, Bhowmik. R, Domscheit. Major Activities The Department welcome chief guest, Professor Deepak Nayyar, ViceChancellor and educator, deliver the 56th Foundation Day Address on " Globalization and Education". M. H. College, Ghaziabad. Useful medicinal plants in cardiovascular ailments. Demography India (Refereed), Vol. T. S. Satyanath, Janapriya sam?skr?ti mattu jâgatîkaran?a (in Kannada). Ms. Jyoti Sarin attended 10 days workshop from 18.10.2002 to 28.10.2002 on Pediatric Neurological Nursing Skill update at Indian Nursing Council. Kawas-Hazira region and delineation of an implementation plan. K. Gupta, `Full Wave Analysis of Superconducting Transmission lines Using Spectral Domain Method,' National Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation and Remote Sensing, December, 19-21, 2002, Jodhpur, India. Ronald Dworkin in conversation with Prof. PreConference CME: National Association of Reproductive and Child Health, New Delhi, 19 Sep. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2002;13:270-273. McDonald, L. Standard Treatment Guidelines for Delhi State, India-WHO Essential Drug Program, November 2002. Ahmed, A. Boyd. Preliminary findings were presented at a workshop on Poverty Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation conducted jointly by the Planning Commission and the World Bank in January 2002. Deepak Mehta participated and presented a paper in an International seminar in Goa on `Islam in South Asia, organised by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Germany on December, 6-9, 2002. Amir Khusru National Seminar March, 2003, organized by Indra Gandhi Centre of National Arts, New Delhi and present a paper " Amir Khusru in the Court of Hirat". C, Resources for the Future. New Delhi. Attended International Conference on Quality Control on 29-30 December 2002, Delhi. Pelvic ultrasonography in pubertal girls. January-June 2003 Roy Anupama: 2002, " The Womanly Vote and Women Citizens". Contemporary India" at a workshop on Teacher Education in the Socio-Cultural Context at Lady Irwin College on 19th February, 2003. Refered). Deshpande Purnamita: 2003, " Modernization". Malhotra V, Singh S, Tandon O. Undergraduate medical student's assessment of teaching curriculum - A cross sectional study. L, Bhasin Lalita and Tripathi V. K. 2003. True aneurysms of popliteal artery due to trauma. Gupta Indrani: 2003, " Poverty and Health: Evidence from India" (with Arup Mitra). He also attended a two days short training program on power quality for utilities and drives systems organized by E. Conference on quest for well being organized by Aastha (February 16-18, 2003) Workshop on Integral Psychology, March, 2003 at the department of Psychology, Delhi University. She was also awarded the WHO In-Country Fellowship in Assisted Reproductive techniques. Publications Baveja, Bharati and Shukla, S. Sudhir A. Shah " An economic theory of emission cap determination by an international agreement", in S. Reflections on the Comparative Study of the Family", Panel discussion, Konrad Adenauer Foundation/ India International Centre, January 10, 2003. An extension was put up in C1E to sum up our learning experience about Biology, Economic life, tourism, social and cultured life of Goa. V. Madhu­Award for Best Scientific Paper of the session at 58th Annual Conference of the Associated Physicians of India held at Varanasi from January 11-15, 2003. Prognostic Factors for well differentiated thyroid cancers in an endemic area. Invited discussion in the Meeting (26th) of the Saturday Discussion Group for the year 2002-2003 on " The Kelkar Report Controversy" at IIC, on January 18, 2003. LaRouche, Founder-Editor, Executive Intelligence Review, Washington: " Urgency of A Dialogue for a New International Financial System" ( 16 January, 2003 ). Communications to Symposia/Seminar/Conferences A. J Indian Acad Clin Med 2003, 4:156-158. He spoke on " Highland Economy" at the `Regional Workshop on Indigenous Practices of Sustainable Land and Resource Management in Asian Highlands, 2-5 December, 2002, at Chiang Mai, Thailand. Published in Abstract supplement, ESI, p18, December, 2002. Sudhir Kumar Sharma, S. Int J Dermatol 2002: 321-326. B 41 B: 1492-1499. Yadav A, Auditory evoked responses during different phases of menstrual cycles. Bhatia V. B, Panchapakesan N, Jain D, Dev A, 2003 " Cosmic Equation of state Gravitational Lensing Statistics and Merging of Galaxies", International Journal of Modern Physics D, Vol.12, no.1, 101. Baby. Pp. 132-151. Sircar S. S, Post task P3-changes following a brief, vigorous visual task indicate individual differences in the task--specific ability.

Dr. Navneeta C. K. Gupta, `CAD of HTS Planar Resonators and Antennas Using Spectral Domain Method,' Mediterranean Microwave symposium 2002, June 26 ­ 28 2002, Câceres, Spain. Biswas Centenary National Seminar, titled " Peoples of India: Anthropological Perspective", Dept. Nori Tarui, Dept. Urdu Afsana Aur Punjab", Punjabi University, Patiala. Singh, Sanjeet Gupta and C. Identify, purify and characterize the components (especially kinases and phosphatases) in signaling and also their upstream and downstream regulatory molecules. Kumbhakar (State University of New York, Binghamton) and Professor Bishwanath Goldar (Institute of Economic Growth) gave lectures on both micro and macro aspects of productivity. He attended a two days short training program on power quality for utilities and drives systems organized by E. Organized by Action Aid India. Kelly, M. Maser, J. Kakuta, H, 2003. Sex. Trans. Infect. C. Duckworth, Carl T. Anoop Raj: Nominated as Hon. S. B. F. Husaini: Participated International Seminar on `Bedil' held at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 17th - 21st March, 2003. Ms. Molly Babu attended " International Conference on Safe Motherhood best Practices" organised by White Ribbon Alliance of lndia at Ashoka Hotel from 3rd to 5th October, 2002. Introduction" in G. Publications Gambhir JK, Kaur H, Prabhu KM, Gambhir DS. J Com Dis Year; Vol: Pages. Professor J. Powerful computer workstation and PCs are available for simulation work. C. Dube, `Effect of geometrical parameter of periodic dielectric structure on photonic band gap', sixth international conference on optoelectronics, fiber optics and photonics, TIFR and IIT, Mumbai, Dec 2002. The research activities of the Department of Genetics are of a varied nature, covering the areas of Plant Genetics, Microbial Genetics, Mammalian and Human Genetics. Even with microvascular complications, blood-pressure control has a greater effect than glucose control. Bhatnagar. Pub. Resource person, Seminar on " Agriculture, Trade and Environment" organized by National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Hydreabad, February, 2122, 2003. Within Human Geography, Urban and Regional Planning, Geography of Social Well-being (health and gender), Food and Agriculture and Political Geography have emerged as thrust areas of research and teaching. Marcel Dekker, Inc. Standardization of mantoux test (reply). Microelectornics Journal, 33/3. Michael A. Trick, Carnegie Mellon University Press, (Refereed). Coauthor of " Chemistry: A textbook for Class XII", NCERT. Seminars/Conferences attended Professor K. Thakran, R. C, 2002: `Punjab - Its Protohistoric Past: Problems And Issues', Presidential Address (Ancient Section) at the Punjab History Conference, Punjab University, Patiala. Sharmila P. (2003) Compatible solutes safeguard structural and functional integrity of photosynthetic machinery in plants under salinity and drought. Transformation of chickpea with bacterial codA gene to enhance its tolerance to abiotic stress. Yadav Sushila, Gupta V. L. Pan. 2002. It has anti-inflammatory action and stimulates macrophage cytokine production and Natural Killer (NK) cells. Interest Rate Determination in India: Domestic and External Factors" (with B. The Economic Dimension of the Portuguese Enterprise in Asia", in Magalhaes and J. K2. Ind. J. Exp. In 1948, it was shifted to Delhi. Pardha Saradhi is continuing as the Indian Coordinator for IndoSwiss Collaboration in Biotechnology Network on `Improvement of Chickpea by Genetic Engineering', (Development of transgenic chickpea for insect resistance and abiotic stress tolerance). Acta Cytol 47:964-948. Special Assistance Programme. Agarwal Bina: 2002, " Bargaining' and Legal Change: Gender Equality and Inheritance Laws in India" (refereed). Centre for Advanced Studies and Research in Energy Science. The OsiEZI gene could complement a mutation in yeast (in a SET domain component) and restore telomere silencing, indicating that chromatin modulating factors are conserved in eukaryotes as diverse in yeast and rice. Comparison of acute bronchodilator effects of inhaled ipratropium bromide and salbutamol in bronchial asthma J Asthma 39: 375-81. Seminars/Conferences attended Professor G. Sharma P. B, " Managing India of 21st century", Convocation address, DPC institute of management, New Delhi, Nov, 2002. Kumar R, Chopra D. V. Hote, S. K. R. B. Singh has been nominated as Steering Committee Member, Landuse and Land Cover Change of the International Geographical Union (IGU). Sc.-Ph. D. combined programme in Biomedical Sciences where a wide range of courses are offered involving teachers from National Institutions and medical colleges. Benabe, Z. Mercado, B. Singh S, Chandra R, Bose M, Luthra P. Anti-inflammatory action of plant is exhibited by eugenol due to the suppression of the nuclear factor-κB pathway. K, Clarke, S. US 6,428,825 B2 for the work, " Process for the preparation of an herbal therapeutic product extracted from the pulp of a species eugenia Jambolana as a part of the ICMR funded research project. Ind J Anaesth. Cheap Albenza Prescription, Generic Of Albenza. Muralidihar and Usha Sarma, P, (2003). Simrata Bindra, S. I. Blicik et al, Charles University, Prague, pp. P. N. Mari Bhat Made a presentation on " The State of Health Statistics in India: Sources, Deficiencies and Remedies" at a workshop on " Access and Uses of Official Health Statistics" at the Institute for Research on Medical Statistics, ICMR at New Delhi, April 29, 2002. Maikap, G. C, 2003. Sharma R, Thukral A, Kumar S, Bhargava S. In Disease Management of Fruits and Vegetables (ed. Model for dc and RF characteristics of optically biased GaN MESFET for electronic! A. K. Dutta organised the Country course on Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses under the auspices of Department of Family welfare, MOH and FW, WHO and UNICEF, as the Course Director. SARS and BIS effect M. Indian J. Med. International Journal of Statistical Science 1: 62-64. Singh, K. P, Gupta, V. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthea 2003; 6:152. Hysteroscopic tubal cannulationon: A Therapeutic tool?" International J Gynec Obstet India, 5:6, page 42, 2002. It considers to what extent the stock of natural resources (forests, grazing lands, and groundwater) available to rural households affects their income from agriculture and other productive activities. Evidence from the Literature", in Labour and Development, Vol. Development of synthetic Professor J. Ghoshs group has developed an hydrophilic longcirculating nano-particles consisting of chitosan. It is hoped that authority will appreciate such a beginning. Mitra Arup, Varoudakis A. National Pediatric Pulmonary Conferenceand P. Professor Kanwar Sen 5th International Conference on Lattice Path Combinatorics and Discrete Distributions, University of Athens, Athens, Greece, June 5-7, 2002. Agarwal T, and Gupta M. A. K. Dutta organized the Country course on Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses under the auspices of Deptt. Presentation on " CPRs as Drivers of Development: A Study of NTFPs in Himachal Pradesh, India", at SANDEE Biennial Research and Training Workshop in Dhaka, Bangladesh, December, 2002. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. S, Haq, Q. M. Present scenario and historical antecedents. Over the years the community has been successful in creating a space for new pedagogic approaches and their implementations alongwith generating reflective thought and a spirit ot questioning and sensitivity amongst teacher educators, teacher trainees and teacher practitioners. Comparing short term survival by NISS in road traffic accidents. W. Anderson, L. In La Reunion, used as astringent in chronic diarrheas and dysentery. The members of the Department are engaged in high quality of research work. N, Fanwick, P. D. students is very high. K, September 14-16, 2002. In Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. K. Jha, V. R. Curr. Microbiol. National Symposium of Development Pediatrics and Child Neurology on Neuro-Developmentally Challenged Children, Vellore, 9-12 October 2002. D. K. Singh soil Fertility and biodiversity, and bioremediation of insecticide residues in groundnut (Arachis hypogeae L.) field Impact of insecticide usage on soil properties in cotton field Dr. Sethi A, Effect of Lamotigine and Gabapentin as add on therapy in patients of partical seizures refractory ot carbamazepine Neurol India 2002, 50 (3), 359-363. Hindi). Paper presented at the Seminar on bhâratîya bhâs?âye? Values in the Law of Torts" in Debroy B and Hazra A ((Ed.)), Issues in Law and Economics. An unusual complication of suction through the tracheal tube. K, `A comparative study of poisoning case autopsied in LHMC. Organized and conducted Workshop on Madhubani Paintings followed by the Exhibition of the paintings made by the students tilted " My thoughts in Madhubani" where the focus was on the fusion of contemporary thoughts and traditional style. P, Gupta P, Sharma S. Abstract). Srivastava U. Cardiovascular risk factors were controlled, and the between-group difference in glycated hemoglobin levels was maintained.25,26 Microvascular complications were minimally affected by intensive glucose control. B. and Sakthivel S: 2002 " Feminization of Indian Labour Force? N, 2003. Spectral studies of complexes of nickel (II) with tetradentate Schiff bases having N202 donor groups. Dr. Atul M. Kochar elected as Secretary IADVL (Delhi State Branch) for the year. World. J. Microbiol. Puri D. Mechanism of action of a hypoglycemic principle isolated from fenyugreek seeds. Panda, A. Chatterjee and A. Number of M. Matchette, C. We have an excellent Faculty broadly divided into Inorganic, Organic and Physical Sections.
This department is one of the very few in India where this advanced technique. Lecture on `Bhawani Prasad Mishra' in Seminar organised by Madhya Pradesh Sahitya Parishad, Bhopal in February, 2003. M. Pandit, M. J Psychiatry 2002;180;188-189. Utkal University, Bhubneshwar 1st to 3rd December, 2002. The chi-square test was used to analyze differences in proportions unless events were rare, such as progression of nephropathy and retinopathy, in which case Fisher's exact test was used. Appointment of teachers if any, to higher Posts/Assignments. More patients in the intensive-therapy group had at least one serious adverse event (24.1%) than in the standard-therapy group (17.6%, P=0.05). Delivered lecture on `Nav Jagaran Aur Bharatiya Sahitya' in Seminar at S. Amongst the presenters for 20022003, we had several visiting scholars from outside the country, as well as speakers from Delhi itself. Hepper, by an anaesthetic agent. Number of students who cleared NET during the year - 19. Breast problems in addescent girl in Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology (eds Agarwal N, Suneja A.) New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers 2002: 63-67. Tekur Uma Contributer in the Standard Treatment guidelines for DSPRUD under the WHO-India (Govt. The foundation of this community has been laid on the unique structure of the BEIED programme. Participated in the Scenarios Meeting of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in Bangkok organized by the Thailand Development Research Institute Foundation from October 6-11, 2002. Thakur (eds) Recent Advances in Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology and Environmental Geosciences: Essays in Honor of Professor V. Seminars/Conferences held Indo-Swedish joint meeting on " Pesticide degradation and Bioremediation during October, 2002 organized by Professor Rup Lal of the department. Dr. Sushma Batra Presented a paper " Social Components of Active Aging- A Comparative Study of Engaged and Disengaged Retired Women" in XI Binennial Conference of Association of Gerontology- International Symposium on Active Aging, Bangalore, 2002. Ultraviolet Photoresponse of ZnO flakes and a ZnO thin films SAW device Sanjeev Kumar, Parmanand Sharma, Vinay Gupta and K. Tomar M. and Bhatnagar A. Professor Nazir Ahmad, Ek Azim Mohaqqiq wa Danishwar, Professor Nazir Ahmad Dar Nazar-e-Danishwarn, Department of Persian, A. L. Shah, Suranjan Pal. India Title: Accessing Microbial Diversity: Isolation of Novel Biocatalysts of Commercial Interest from Uncultured Microorganisms Principal Investigator: Dr. Chaudhary, B, Kumar, S, Prasad, K. Expression of bronchodilator response: Comparison of four indices. company. Statistical optimization of medium components by response surface methodology to enhance phytase production by Pichia anomala Process Biochemistry 37 (9): 999-1004. P. N. Mari Bhat: For the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India, for drafting several chapters of the Project Implementation Plan of RCH-II prepared for World Bank funding. K. Aggarwal: Visiting Professor, University of Bonn, Germany. Vocational Education Professor Sanjai Bhatt Sponsored by Department of Programme in Schools: Education, Govt. Agriculture Economics Research Review,. Dr. P. C. Pattanaik, Co-ordinator for the 10 days Workshop for the Preparation of Dictionary for Common Idioms and Proverbs in Assamese, Bengali and Oriya in collaboration with the CIIL, Mysore; held from 6th to 15th November 2002, at the University of Delhi. BJU International 2002;90(7cr.):763. Pittman, O. Alston, R. Organized by Social Sciences Research Council, New York and Ford Foundation, Delhi. S, Vyvey K, Chmel S, Neyens. Dr. G. S. Ranga: Attended 58th Annual Conference of the Association of Physicians of India held at Varanasi from January l 1-15, 2003. Delhi, (20-22th September, 2002). C. K. Datta MHRD Govt. Renal failure in pregnenancy -current issues in management. In January 2003, she participated in the Fellows' Workshop and acted as a discussant for two papers in the conference on `Resources: Conceptions and Contestations', organized by the South Asia programme of the Social Science Research Council, in Kathmandu. Patients underwent a standard annual ophthalmologic examination. Number of Ph. More recently the RSPEE has developed a training film on the teaching of English as a second. Evam 2:1 and 2: 289-299. Kinetic constants determination for an alkaline protease from Bacillus mqjavensis using respcmse surface methodology. Dr. Arun Sharma Attended XVI National Symoposium of the Indian Photobiology Society, UDSC, New Delhi, in March, 2003. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2002;46(5 Suppl):32. Mohanty and S. Study on Alkali-Silica C. It now looks forward to new Executive Development Programmes in Public Enterprise Management and Public Systems Management, Entrepreneurial Development, Strategic Management, Management of Services, Human Resource Development and such other areas of vital importance to the economy which have not so far been benefited from management education.

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